Spring 2018 Letter from Carl

Posted by in Spring 2018

Carl – Labor Day 2009 at Ashokan. Photo by Christine Scheurich Werkhoven

My Dear Friends and Companions on The Path,

In this North Country where I dwell – snowbound – the long Winter lends itself to a pervading sense of isolation and, for me, a reclusive time of going within. With each ensuing year this process seems to deepen and intensify. This seasonal cycle has been particularly challenging and difficult. I feel as if I were in a cocoon, wrapped in threads of  the past. Sometimes I think I’m losing the capacity of speech. It is a vulnerable state to be in. I feel myself softening inside, which I embrace. Thoughts appear and dissolve and I wait for the thawing earth, the quickening of the running waters, the release of the ice bound lakes and the warmth of the intensifying light. Rejoice with the singing birds, the greening of the earth awakening. With anticipation I await the subtlety of how I have changed, this going within time. One day, perhaps, I will discover gossamer wings to carry me upon the breath of a trusting wind.

In my cocoon dreams, I often feel and see each of you and our Circle. I am nurtured and certainly blessed  to have you in my life. I have come to understand that in the mirror of your eyes I will see reflected the shifts and changes of my own. This process is a treasured gift given and received. Thank you for being here.

I am filled with gratitude that soon we will meet again this Spring and together lift each one up to the burgeoning Sun.

Trust the Process.  Trust the Path.
It is in the doing or the not doing
that the meaning of Truth’s Purposes
reveals Itself – if we are interested
to receive.

Abiding Peace.
We will meet on the Field.
Love,     Carl