Reflections on the Wheel: West to North

Posted by in Medicine Wheel, North, November 2014, Reflections on the Medicine Wheel, West

Since I last wrote, most of our leaves have fallen and carpeted the lawn in color.  Neither Darrell or I feel particularly inspired to rake them up, in fact, it’s kind of nice to hear them crinkle and crunch underfoot as we tromp around the yard.

IMG_3056I couldn’t help noticing this week as I perused the garden that the calendula was still in bloom.  I was struck by its golden flower which stood out in stark contrast to the rest of the landscape which has browned and withered. 

Some plants, like some of us, are die hard producers resisting the call to begin to pull their energy inward in preparation for the winter months ahead.  It’s easy to get lost in the thinking that our value lies in our doing. Luckily, if we’re willing to listen deeply, our Mother reminds us that to keep balance in our world and in our hearts, we have to take some time to turn our attention inward.

It’s a gradual process as we travel this path from the West into the North and begin to discern the true gifts of the harvest.  While seasonally this is part of the natural order of things, it’s important to remember that discernment applies to any growing period in our lives.  For me, this place on the wheel speaks about the importance of pulling our energy in a bit to sit with what we’ve learned and ask for guidance on how to best bring it out into the world.

To sink fully into the rhythm of what’s moving, I’d like to suggest that you step outside into the dusk as it settles onto the landscape and just breathe it in.  As the silence settles in and the moon smiles down on you ask yourself, “Am I expending unnecessary energy?  Is there some resistance to taking time to begin that turn toward the still point within? What are the true gifts of the harvest?”   Simply listen for a while before letting your heart whisper prayers of gratitude to the Earth for all that is and has been. Know, if you allow for it, the time of restoration is just around the bend.

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