Commitment, Ceremony and Community

Posted by in On Earth, Prayers, Spring 2015 Newsletter

These three ‘C’ words are hopelessly intertwined.  Ya can’t have one without the other.
As part of my ongoing commitment to ceremony and community, I made a New Year’s Resolution to do a ceremony with every full moon during 2015.  Part of the reason is to reconnect myself with the natural rhythms of our Earth Mother.  The tides, the animals and the plants all resonate with the cycles of our Grandmother Moon.  I want to bring myself into a deeper alignment with these beings.Thirteen moon​ cycles to a year.  I have been going kind of crazy with the number 13.  Anytime I can use that number, I do.  I buy gasoline in price or gallon multiples of 13.  I cut boards at 13 inches if possible.  I am building an underground lodge that is 13 feet in diameter.
The Big Heart Community is founded on a commitment to ceremony.  It is not easy for us to come together for a physical community because of our existing economic and social systems.  But we can come together in ceremony at any time.  This means the door is open for everyone in our community to dance with ceremony and the full moon.
A person does not have to create an elaborate ritual to honor Grandmother Moon.  Setting aside 15 or 20 minutes once a month to create this space is enough.  The secret is that a person keep whatever commitment they make.  By creating a grounding physical ceremony once a month, you can generate a fair amount of magic in your life.
As we are separated by physical location, perhaps people who are called to create ceremony around the full moon can invite others who live nearby to participate.  Create community locally.  As soon as my lodge is built, I will be doing lodges on the full moon that are open to people in my area as well as our existing community.  The lodge site is on a hill looking towards the east where the full moon will rise.
Tom Brown told us many times that ‘intent fires everything’.  Anyone who creates a strong intention around a series of ceremonial events, can dig deeper into the ‘Great Mystery’.
Peace and Blessings,
Medicine Bear
Image Credit: “Full Moon” by Rachel Kramer, Creative Commons, Some Rights Reserved.