Big Heart Circle

Join Our Newsletter Clan

Posted by in Community Updates, Monthly Newsletter, Newsletter Information, Spring 2015 Newsletter

Originally, my intention was to be able to put out a monthly newsletter for our community. The winter months grew quite busy for me, and it seems for many others too, so I found myself lacking the free time and “bandwidth” to pull the needed pieces together to get the newsletter out. Now, as spring emerges there’s a refocus to open up the newsletter again, and I’d like to put out a call and invitation for anyone who might feel inclined to assist me in publishing the newsletter. The idea…read more

An Update On Carl’s Recovery

Posted by in Carl Big Heart, Community Updates, Family, Healing, Monthly Newsletter, November 2014

[NOTE: If you click on an image you can view the larger version.] What a profound thing to move from the deathbed of his Abenaki sister to the operating room the following week. Carl’s open heart surgery on Friday, October  24, was life saving. Tom, Billy, Ruth, myself and Carl’s daughters all were there when the surgeon came out of the OR and announced that the surgery was a success and that the timing of the surgery was critical. He didn’t know how Carl had made it this far. When…read more