Clans – 2024

One of the joys of our circle is the walk towards re-discovering true community rooted in heart, ceremony, love, and an agenda-less commitment to each individual’s arrival. Each year we learn and grow from the previous year’s gathering. How can we better support each other? How can we make our camp more sustainable? How can we most empower the experience of the weekend for everyone?

Clans provide a way to bring our community together in smaller circles so that the different needs of our camp can be held well, so that the burden of these needs don’t crush a few over-worked individuals. In these smaller circles people can meet each other, support each other, and come know each other in a profound way. It is a reaching back to an ancient way of being together.

Each clan will have a specific area of the camp they are caring for, and will be working at specific times during the gathering.

Below you can read about the Clans, their responsibilities and in some cases their schedules. If you are committed to coming to a gathering and you already feel a calling towards one or know which clan will fit your schedule you can email Sandra @ You can ask if there are spaces open in that clan, and you might start early in corresponding with your clan leader and clan members, which could be fun.

Most (but not all) of the clans will have responsibilities at different points on Saturday and Sunday. If you’re not planning on being at camp the entire time, that’s fine. You will be welcomed and appreciated in your clan while you are with us. If a scheduling challenge shows up for you during the weekend, such as a ceremony or activity you would like to be doing that might conflict with clan duties, your clan point person will work with you to find a substitute so you can be freed to pursue what you want to do.

Once you have read through the information below, if you are clear what clan you would like to work with, please reach out to the point persons assigned to the gathering you will be attending, as given in the mailing for that gathering.

Ant Clan – Cottage / Pot luck prep
Clan Point Person: Lanie Garner-Winter – 315.651.5892

The Ant Clan assists with cleaning the cottage, preparing the back room to receive food for the pot luck, organizing the food and setting aside food for the fire keepers. The Ant Clan also organizes the tables and chairs for the pot luck on Saturday and sets up the front room for the Talking Circle on Sunday.


Bee Clan – Sister’s Tent / Changing pop-ups / Registration area
Clan Point Person: Sandra Winter – 646.249.9166

The Bee Clan sets up the pop-up for the Registration area, provides the table and two chairs for that space, sets up the changing pop-ups and the sister’s tent on Saturday. Bees also make sure all the pop-ups, the tent and registration area furniture and supplies are dry and put away by Sunday afternoon.


Bear Clan – Food distribution, Trash / recycling disposal / Cottage cleanup
Clan Point Persons: Bernard Winter646.623.8167 / Rick Dufort
Need another person specifically to assist with putting away food after pot luck on Saturday, cottage cleanup and food distribution on Sunday

Bears help keep the camp clean by organizing trash and recycling receptacles, making sure food is put away after the pot luck on Saturday, assisting with food distribution on Sunday and cottage cleanup. Bears also make sure all trash and recycling are removed from site at the end of the weekend.


Bunny Clan – Little Humans Clan
Clan Point Person: Alisha Saltzman347.409.3979

The Bunny Clan is made up of Kids and Parents. Think of the bunny clan like a childcare co-op.  Parents in the clan will work to contribute time, creativity, and presence to caring for the kids. This way supporting other parents of the clan to be in Ceremony, workshops, or other duties throughout the weekend.  The Parents are not required to join this clan with their kids, nor are adults required to be parents to be in this clan. Those that are called to look after the kids are welcome. We do ask that at least one parent per small child join up with the Bunnies. The rest of the community will also be asked to hold the children in all of our awareness. It takes a village. 🙂


Turtle Clan
Clan Point Persons: Justin Logan – 845.475.7371 and
Mike Gulbrandsen –

On Saturdays, Turtle Clan members help with Lodge Set up, unloading the storage container, storage bins, and tools, covering the lodge with blankets.
On Sundays, Turtles help with lodge break down and site clean up Removing tarps and blankets from lodge, hanging lines for drying blankets, hanging blankets on lines prior to Sunday talking circle;  AFTER Talking Circle, folding and putting blankets in bins and loading into storage container.


Thunderbird clan
Point persons: Justin Logan – 845.475.7371 and
Mike Gulbrandsen –

Thunderbirds help bring together all the elements for the Sacred Fire, provide teachings about the fire and the Grandfathers (the stones) and are responsible for lighting the fire and bringing the Grandfathers and the other elements into the lodge. They work with Carl and Elders in the community to ensure that the fire and all the elements are handled in a good way.