2025 Calendar of Events

To make it easier for our European and US families to see dates pertaining to each side of the Atlantic Ocean, we have grouped the dates for Europe and the US separately, rather than listing everything in chronological order. Hope this helps! Please note that full details for these gatherings will be going out via email and social media as we get closer to the date of each gathering. For now, please just note the dates on your personal calendar.

US Dates
All US Gatherings are currently being held at the Ellenville site.

Spring Lodge

April 5, 6

Summer Lodge

June 21, 22

Late-summer Lodge

September 6, 7

Thanksgiving Lodge – TBA

Contact for US:

Please complete contact form.


European Dates

Spring Lodges – Netherlands

April 26, 27
Camp: April 28 – May 2
May 3, 4

Fall Dates – Netherlands


Contact information for the Netherlands lodges:

Bas Offerman:thales@telfort.nl

Website: http://www.bigheart.nl/

Agenda page: https://bigheart.nl/agenda/


Spring Dates – Ireland

May 10, 11

Fall Dates Ireland:


Contact person:

Miriam Totterdell: miriamctotterdell@gmail.com

Booking & Information Miriam Totterdell, 087 7416466, miriamctotterdell@gmail.com

Website: https://bigheart.nl/ir/